Maundy Thursday Mass followed by Vigil
Maundy Thursday Mass followed by prayerful vigil til midnight.

Patronal Festival
As part of our 150th Anniversary Year Celebrations, we look forward to welcoming special guests from Rippon College, Cuddesdon, Oxford, who will share a lecture with us as well as a sung mass on Saturday at 12:30pm, and Sunday parish mass at 10:30am.

Ash Wednesday Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Come mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday mass at 7pm, featuring music from our adult and consort choirs.

As part of our 150th Anniversary celebrations, the Bishop of Southwark, Bishop Christopher, will be with us for Candlemas on Sunday 2nd February at 10.30am Mass. This festal mass will include music from all of our choirs. We will also be giving an update on the progress of our organ project. Please invite family and friends, and plan to stay after Mass for drinks and light refreshments.