
Eagles (Young Adults)

The Eagles group, for students and young adults, meets on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm (for a 7pm start), for discussion, drinks, prayer and socialising.

We usually meet in the Vicarage (92 Vassall Road, SW9 6JA). We start with a discussion at 7pm, sometimes led by a visiting speaker, with wine and snacks. Recent topics have included vocation, the Old Testament, relationships, death, and Christians in the Middle East.  At 9pm, we go to the church for Compline (night prayer), and then return to the vicarage for more drinks and socialising afterwards.

We also go on pilgrimages, as far flung as Rome, Barcelona, Norwich, and our local pub.   Our students and young adults are also involved in all other areas of the church’s life - from music, to outreach with homeless people and migrants, to Ignatian spirituality.  

If you're interested or have questions, please contact office@sjdk.org .