We are involved with Robes cold weather shelter.

St John the Divine is one of several churches, from a variety of denominations, who take it in turn to offer hospitality and shelter to a group of homeless people, one night a week, for the coldest months of the year. The hosting church offers a hot evening meal, a sleeping space for the night and breakfast the following morning. The shelter is run by volunteers from each church.

We host the Robes Project on Thursday evenings, usually from January to March.  There are a variety of roles for volunteers - from cooking evening meals or breakfast, to talking with the guests, staying overnight, and doing the laundry.  Over fifty of our members volunteer - it's a great way to get to know others in the church, as well as serving the poorest in our community.

Please contact Jill Gregson (jillgregson775@gmail.com) if you’d like to know more.

Find out more about Robes here.